
Learn More About Hair Transplantation

What Should You Know About Artificial Hair Implants

Hair loss is a problem that everyone can face. Although there are numerous remedies for this irritating problem, not every surgery produces results in natural-looking. The operations that natural-looking outcomes might be relatively pricey. For people who cannot afford traditional hair transplant treatments, artificial hair transplantation may be the best solution.

Artificial Hair Transplant Procedure

Hair fibers are artificial hair strands that will be placed on your recipient area to make it feel like living hair units. The roots of synthetic hair are covered with keratin to prevent infection and inflammation. They are implanted one by one by the surgeon, similar to the FUE procedure.

Artificial Hair Fibers

Hair fibers are artificial hair strands that will be placed on your recipient area to make it feel like living hair units. The roots of artificial hair are covered with keratin to prevent infection and inflammation. They are implanted one by one by the surgeon, similar to the FUE procedure.

Also, artificial hair requires special attention as they are not living hair. For instance, those who have artificial hair transplantation should avoid using chemicals and hair dryers regularly.

Artificial hair implant surgeries may seem cheap once done, but considering the additional restoration operations, this method may cost you more than traditional hair transplant surgery.

If you want to get more information about the hair transplant procedure, you can fill out the form above.

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