
Learn More About Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplant Treatment

Nowadays, the only valid and permanent treatment method of complete or partial baldness is hair transplant treatment. This treatment is done by taking the hair follicle from a certain part of the body and placing it in the bald part with a surgical method. This treatment also can be useful for the restoration of eyebrows, eyelashes, bread hair, chest hair, etc.

Methods of Hair Transplant Treatment

There are two main methods of hair transplant treatment. One of them is the Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT), and the other is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). There is also one more technique called Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), and this is just like the same method with FUE.

Nowadays, most hair transplant operations are performed by the FUE method. In the FUE method, the hair is taken one by one and transferred to the bald areas. Since there is no surgical intervention, patients decide more easily and prefer this technique.

On the other side, there is the oldest technique called Follicular unit transplant (FUT). In this technique, the treatment is applied by integrating strong hair follicles taken from the nape into the relevant area.

With the DHI technique, the removal of hair follicles is done like the FUE method. However, the DHI technique differs from the FUE when the surgeon implants hair follicles in the recipient areas. The surgeon uses a pen-like device to implant hair follicles into the bald areas. This tool provides incision and implant hair follicles at the same time.

The bottom line, if you are considering a hair transplant but don’t have any idea which method is best for you, you should see a doctor dedicate the best technique for you. If you want to learn more, you can visit our blog, or you can contact us by filling out the form.

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